SFI's Demonstration at Jantar Mantar

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A procession rally was organized by Student’s federation of India at Jantar Mantar on February 20th, as part of their nationwide campaign for student rights. The procession saw attendance in high numbers with comrades from all over the country. The issues raised in the rally ranged from commercialization of education, economic crisis and minority witch hunting to campus democracy. The aim was to unite the student community against "state excesses". This photo feature tries to capture the mood and immediacy of the procession march.

Students from several universities leading the charge

It is Che all the way

Buying a Che bandana
Against "state excesses"

A daily wage labourer who has joined the students to express solidarity

हरियाणा के पर्यटन विभाग द्वारा 1981 में शुरू किया गया, सूरजकुंड हस्तशिल्प मेला , हर साल 1-15 फ़रवरी तक फरीदाबाद के सूरजकुंड में लगता है। इस मेले में विभिन्न राज्यों की हस्तशिल्प वस्तुओं को खरीदने के साथ-साथ वहां के भोजन का भरपूर आनंद लिया जा सकता है। इस मेले में पंजाब का भांगडा, राधा कृष्ण की रास लीला से लेकर मणिपुर का सांस्कृतिक नृत्य भी देखा जा सकता है। हर वर्ष इस मेले को अलग-अलग राज्य आयोजित करते हैं , इस वर्ष मेले का आयोजन मध्यप्रदेश द्वारा किया गया, जिसमे इसका भागीदार मिस्र रहा। इस मेले का मुख्य उद्देश्य विभिन्न राज्यों की हस्तशिल्प कला संस्कृति को प्रर्दशित करना है।

सूरजकुंड मेले में आपका स्वागत है (गार्गी)

आनंद के साथ ड्यूटी (गार्गी)

सजी -धजी मथुरा की गोपियाँ (गार्गी)

नृत्य से पहले आराम (गार्गी)

मेला, किसी के लिए आराम तो किसी के लिए काम (गार्गी)

नृत्य देखने के लिए उमड़ी भीड़ (जयश्री)

नृत्य में मग्न मणिपुरी बालाएँ (जयश्री)

राजस्थानी नृत्य का प्रदर्शन (जयश्री)

`Kuch Khas' Valentines Day at Delhi Haat

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Delhi Haat, place known for its handicrafts and cusinses from different states was in a perfect mood to rock over the famous songs of Mohit Chauchan on 14th Feb. Event was organized by the Times Group. His latest song from movie Delhi-6 `Masakali Matakali' was a complete hit among the couples present there.

Strumming his guitar, Chauhan, the leading member of the band Silk route, began his performance with songs like, `Is This Love' from “Kismat Konnection”, “Khoon Chala' from Rang De Basanti and `Kuch Khas' from film Fashion. But his most appreciated song that made the crowd go into a complete frenzy was Dooba Doooba from the album Boondein.
Times Festival at Dilli Haat

Mohit chawhan with his band

Crowd having a blast

हम किसी से कम नही

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खुशी, सीमा (बदला हुआ नाम ) की वीरान जिंदगी में बहार लेकर आई थी । आज खुशी पाँच साल की हो गई है पर ठीक से बोल नही पाती। डॉक्टर की सलाह से कुछ टेस्ट करवाने के बाद सीमा ने खुशी का आई क्यू टेस्ट (बौद्धिक स्तर जांच ) भी करवाया। आई क्यू टेस्ट होने के बाद यह साफ़ हो गया कि खुशी भगवान के भेजे हुए विशेष बच्चो में से है और मानसिक विक्लांगता कि शिकार है।

बाल विकास केन्द्र की स्पेशल एक्जीक्यूटर नसीम फातिम के अनुसार ,"समय से पहले बच्चो का जन्म, बच्चो में आयोडीन की कमी , गर्भवती महिला को पौष्टिक आहार की कमी और जब बच्चा गर्भ में हो तो माँ के साथ कोई अप्रिय घटना का घटित होना आदि कारणों से अधिकतर बच्चों में मानसिक विकलांगता होती हैं।" ऐसा ही कुछ खुशी के मामले में भी हुआ। जब खुशी सीमा के गर्भ में थी तभी एक कार दुर्घटना में सीमा के पति सुरेश की मौत हो गई थी जिसके सदमे का असर सीमा के साथ -साथ खुशी के दिमाग पर भी पडा।

जामिया के बाल विकास केन्द्र में ऐसे ही मानसिक रूप से विकलांग बच्चों को पढाया जाता है और उन्हें व्यावसायिक प्रशिक्षण भी दीया जाता हैइस केन्द्र की डायरेक्टर का कहना है कि "इन बच्चो के साथ मैं बहुत अच्छा महसूस करती हूँ और यह बच्चे दूसरे बच्चो कि ही तरह बहुत मासूम होते है बस इन्हे थोड़ा ज्यादा प्यार और सहारे की जरूरत होती है।" उनके अनुसार, कुछ मामलों में मानसिक विकलांग बच्चों को अगर नियमित रूप से दवाई दी जाये तो वो पूरी तरह से ठीक हो सकते है। लेकिन यह सभी मामलों पर लागू नही होता।
इस पर और जानकारी देते हुए उन्होंने बताया, " कुछ मानसिक रोगी बहुत ही हिंसक होते हैं जिन पर काबू पाना मुश्किल होता है। मानसिक रूप से विकलांग लगभग 87 % लोग नई जानकारी और हुनर सिखने में कमजोर होते है। कुछ बच्चों के बचपन में उनकी मानसिक स्थिति का पता ठीक ढंग से नहीं चल पाता हैं। बाकी के बचे 13 % वे लोग होते हैं जिनका बौद्धिक स्तर का स्कोर 50 से कम होता है इन लोगों को स्कूल, घर और समुदाय में ज्यादा परेशानी होती है। परन्तु प्रत्येक मानसिक विकलांग बच्चे में सिखने और विकास करने की शक्ति होती है। "

इस केन्द्र में इन बच्चों को मानसिक विकार से लड़ने के साथ- साथ मोमबत्ती बनाना , ग्रीटिंग कार्ड बनाना और लिफाफे बनाने का प्रशिक्षण भी दिया जाता है। इन बच्चो में अलग- अलग तरह के विकार है परन्तु इस केन्द्र में इन सभी का उनकी विकलांगता से ध्यान हटाकर उनकी योग्यता पर ज्यादा ध्यान दिलाया जाता हैं। इन बच्चों के मनोचिकित्सक डॉक्टर जे सी निगम का मानसिक विकलांगता के लक्षण के बारे में कहना है कि "इन बच्चो को बोलने, देखने या समझने में परेशानी होती है। यह बच्चे अन्य बच्चो की तुलना में देर से बैठना, चलना और बोलना सीखते है। उन्हें बातों को याद रखने या नई चीजों को सीखने में परेशानी होती है। यह बच्चे तर्कसंगत तरीके से सोच पाने में परेशानी परेशानी का सामना करते हैं परन्तु हमारी मदद के साथ सभी मानसिक विकलांग बच्चे एक संतोषजनक जीवन बिता सकते हैं। "

Plant for Healthy Living

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The temptation of a good job brought Nidhi Sahni to Delhi. However when she saw her new living space in a posh colony of the capital, she was shocked. At her hometown, she used to live in a spacious house with proper ventilation but here, she has to adjust in a two-room-flat with just a balcony and no window.

“At the first glance, I thought let’s go back. There at least I will not die in suffocation,” says Nidhi. After thinking a lot about it, she found a solution to the problem.“I bought a lot of plants for my new home. Those plants helped me purify the air at home. I had studied horticulture in my graduation and knew about house plants’, she claims.

Pure air is an essential need for a healthy home environment. Various studies like US Environmental Protection Agency study and other researches show that people spend 65 to 90 % of their time indoors. About 65 % of that time is spent at home. The chance of indoor pollution is very high. Thus keeping plants at home would keep the environment clean and healthy.
A house plant is a plant that is grown indoors, in places like residences and offices. These plants are commonly grown for decorative purposes and health reasons.

Sashwati Mukherjee, a Mumbai based horticulturist says, “There is an increased demand of house plants due to rise in health risks. These plants are being used to minimize health problems.”

There are many things which contribute to the indoor pollution. Some common pollutants at home are dust, spores, pollen, smoke and fumes. These pollutants can be the result of daily activites like cooking, bathing etc. Common symptoms of exposure to high indoor pollution levels include headache, tiredness, dizziness, nausea and scratchy throat.

Dr. Rajesh Vatsa, a physician says, “Asthma and breathing problems are one of the most common ailments among people. Many of us think that only outdoor pollution causes these health problems but it’s not completely true. Burning fuels, poor ventilation and dust at home are major contributors to this.”

According to WHO every year, 1.6 million people die due to indoor air pollution - that's one death every 20 seconds. Indoor air pollution is considered as the 8th most important risk factor which is responsible for 2.7 percent of the global diseases.

The major indoor air pollutants are by-products of combustions like carbon dioxide, carbonmonooxide, tobacco smoking like cigarette and beedi, pesticides and other volatile organic compounds like paints, aerosols sprays, air fresheners and so on. .Studies of human exposure to air pollution indicate that indoor levels of many of these household pollutants may be 2-5 times higher than outdoor levels.

The house plants like Boston fern, English Ivy, Spider plant are some of the inexpensive and aesthetically pleasing plants to filter toxins from home.
Mukherjee says, ‘these plants ensure to clean the air by soaking up the pollutants present inside the house.’

But not every house plant helps in purify the indoor pollution. “Like each human being is different from another, the house plants are also different from each other. Some of them are poisonous in nature despite being used for some good reason. Aloe Vera is one such example which causes contact dermatitis to sensitive individuals. Its inner yellow juicy part (latex) is the primary irritant in the case of contact dermatitis.” Mukherjee says.

Gurgaon Blues

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By Neha Sethi, Nazia Jaffri and Kinley Tshering

The news of the variety of problems that plagues India’s millennium city, Gurgaon, has become almost a cliché now. But the problems still persist, and so does the complaints from various quarters.

Even as a horde of environmental issues like the depletion of ground water, increasing air pollution, lack of proper solid waste disposal and sewer system among others have done its rounds, 58 more sectors are being developed in addition to the already existing 57 sectors in Gurgaon according to the Master Plan 2021.

Several architects and urban planners have pointed that a lack of proper planning and implementation has led to the various issues plaguing Gurgaon. According to S.P Biswas, an assistant professor at Sushant School of Architecture in Gurgaon, who has conducted studies and researches on the development of Gurgaon city, the development area is eight times more than the actual area. “There is no proper infrastructure, solid waste disposal and sewer system. The natural and topographical terrain has been destroyed in piece meal,” he says.

In the early 1960s Gurgaon was considered unfit for development for want of ground water source and only a modest growth was proposed under Delhi Master Plan-1962. Predictably, after the Gurgaon boom, the water level has been reported to be declining.
According to figures compiled by the Centre for Science and Environment, the water level in the city was 42.95 m below ground level (bgl) that reached 50.67 bgl in 2006. In the intervening years, the water level has declined by 7.72 m.

Balwan Singh, a resident of Sukhinder village in Gurgaon, says that in the late 80s and early 90s the bore well had to be dug only till 50-60 ft but now it has crossed more than 500 ft below ground level.

But, officials at the Haryana Urban Development Authority deny that water table in Gurgaon has been depleting over the years. “As far as I know, the water has not gone down. It is a misconception spread by the media,” says a superintend engineer of HUDA on conditions of anonymity. “Gurgaon has a water supply of 40 million gallons a day (mgd) from the open canal system. The total under ground water demand is only 7-8 mgd, 10-15% of the total water requirement of the town.”

However, the ground situation tells another story.

Growing old with grace

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When you have faithfully done all your duties towards the family and society , it is surely the time to celebrate and relax during your autumn years .It is not only for the government or society but your duty also to make your autumn years the best years …
Sheeba Naaz and Sumiran Preet Kaur have the story .

There is a big misconception as to what constitutes a happy and fulfilling retirement. Retirement is a personal experience and each retiree will have his. And for a fulfilling retirement, you need planning from before.
Two of the most populous states of the world, India and China share the world’s major proportion of the elderly. Current ratio in India is 1 old person in every 12 persons . By 2050 it will be 1 in 5 persons .The total population of the elderly in India will be 327 mn in 2050.
Pratap Singh, a businessman, in his ripe age of 85 says that there is no stopping once you decide to live your life to the fullest. “I play golf and exercise. I also work for NGO’s. But yes, I couldn’t have done it alone. Support and love from family are also the factors. Plus the face that I’m still earning in this age gives me a lot of confidence.”

B.K .Trehan in his book “Retired but not Tired” refers to the importance pf preplanning for the old age and adjusting and changing of the mindset before reaching the old age. He also writes as to how one should involve oneself in various activities after retirement. “The effort has to come from our side. The country is seeing an increase in the dependency ratio and this will continue to grow. The number of elderly persons is increasing by the day. We will have to pick the stick in our hands. We not only have to engage our selves with various activities after retirement but also continue to associate ourselves with NGOs that work to sensitize the society and put pressure on the government to address issues concerning the elderly. Moreover the rapid urbanization is leading to changes in lifestyle and mindset. We no more can sit back and say ‘our sons will take care of us’ and then finally not prepare for the old age. We have to come forward to help each other.” Trehan retired as a President from a major energy conglomerate in 2002. Yoga is his passion and he has been teaching yoga for the last 20 years. He has also authored three books concerned with Yoga and old age.

Shri J.R Gupta, 64, is the president of senior citizens council of Delhi. The council has more than 1200 members from all over Delhi. Shri Gupta has created a network of more than 500 active seniors citizens who live alone due to their children settled abroad.

NGO Help Age India works to create awareness among its members who are senior citizens and also suggests the government about what all improvements can be brought in the existing laws and schemes for the elderly. But they also insist that it is the responsibility of the individuals to be aware of their rights and make efforts in making the retiring years fruitful. The NGO also comes with a periodical “Happy Old Age” which highlights the problems of old age and also shares the main points of its researches.

Sunita Goddara runs a Recreational Centre for old people from lower income grouping Kalkaji. “We have keertan and bhajan sessions for them . We also arrange a meeting with a lawyer so that they can be made aware of the various rights and privileges . We also make it a point to play chess many times a week. It helps them rejuvenate.”

Ram Kumar Sharma ,58, a resident of Green park , runs a dance class session once a week where only the elderly practice and let their hair down “I’m alive and kicking till the day I die. This is and I will make the time of my life. Yes financial and emotional support is must to let me enjoy the ‘me time’.”

In short, if you prepare well in advance twilight years will not be bleak.